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Workstation  Assessment 

At Edwin O'Sullivan Training Solutions, we take workstation wellness seriously. Our comprehensive ergonomics risk assessment service goes beyond compliance. We identify potential risks for employees, reducing the likelihood of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) , back injuries, pain and Work Related Upper Limb Disorders (WRULDs). Our approach includes evaluating and improving workstations, along with providing training on proper posture and ergonomic equipment selection, which will reduce the likelihood of injury and strains while maintaining the health of your employees. Whether you're in the office or working remotely from home, we can help you create a comfortable, safe and productive work environment.

The cost of getting it wrong

Can you afford not to? 


     More information can be found here:

     HSA                   Legislation


Who requires a VDU/DSE Assessment

  1. Employees with Desk Station: Anyone who works at a desk for more than one hour daily using VDU/DSE qualifies for an assessment.

  2. Habitual VDU/DSE Users: Employees who regularly undertake work that involves VDU/DSE use are entitled to an assessment.

  3. Legal Requirement: Section 72 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work  Act (General Application) Regulations 2007, mandates workstation assessments for employees using VDU/DSE.

  4. Importance of Breaks: Regular breaks away from VDU/DSE are crucial to prevent strains and injuries.

  5. Reporting Visual Issues: Employees experiencing vision problems while working with VDU/DSE's can request an eye test and VDU/DSE Risk Assessment

  6. Training on Workstation Use: Proper workstation training and ergonomic setup is essential to be completed by a certified and competently trained individual  



Benefits of VDU/DSE Workstation Assessments:

  • Reduced Costs: Studies show a significant decrease in worker compensation claims due to pain and injuries. Ergonomic workplaces minimise accidents, saving employers money on direct and indirect costs.

  • Enhanced Productivity: By addressing risk factors and promoting proper posture, employees experience less fatigue and frustration, leading to a noticeable boost in productivity and efficiency.

  • Lower Absenteeism: A healthy and safe work environment with proper ergonomics reduces employee absences due to pain or discomfort. Educating employees about preventative measures further minimises absenteeism.

  • Safer Workstations: Training helps employees identify potential hazards and understand how to adjust their workstations to minimise the risk of injuries.

  • Improved Morale: Investing in employee well-being shows that you value their safety and comfort. This fosters a more positive work environment for everyone.

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